Sunday, July 16

Senate Telecom Overseer Not Plugged In to Web - Los Angeles Times

Senate Telecom Overseer Not Plugged In to Web

A LA Times article about Stevens and his tubes.


Anonymous said...

Greg, a friend showed me a certain podcast that he was a part of. I found it quite hilarious, and I think you would enjoy it too. Look up 30 watt bulb in i-tunes podcasts, and it is a free download. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

oh, and I got my wedding invitation today. Great stuff. I have a feeling September is going to be here before I know it.

Dangerousnerd said...

Couldn't get the podcast. Makes me sad. The file wouldn't play because it is the itunes/ipod format movie and I don't have a player that supports it. Thanks, though!