Friday, June 30

Howdy y'all. Well, all two of you at least.

Shouts out to: Kasey and Terezita. Yeah. The two people who visit my blog. Oh yeah.

Anyway, as usual, I'll talk like I'm talking to the world. Terezita and I are going out to San Diego tomorrow as both of us have the day off and nothing to do. At least, that's the plan. We'll see what happens.

This morning on my way to work, a UPS truck exploded in front of me. Well, not really exploded in the fire and death sort of way. It sort of exploded into smokiness and sprayed water all over my car. At least what looked like water. Then it swerved over to the shoulder, cutting me off and almost causing an accident. Now, eight hours later, my car still has the stuff that was sprayed on it. I think evaporation would have taken care of any water. Hmmm. Well, Terezita is now over, so we're going to make dinner and all that. Later.

Sorry I haven't posted for so long.

I've been internet-less for a while here. My new house-mates just got it running again. I tell you, these girls have been so useful: fixing the internet, washing my dishes... man. Anyway. Same ol, same ol as far as everything goes. But I did find this cool farce on those cool Mac ads with the PC and the Mac guys talking. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably won't find this as funny as I did.

Good night, all.

Friday, June 23

Multimedia message

This is quite the car, eh? I'm really doing this to test if i can post from my phone. Have a good day, all.

--Edit: Apparently, the whole "Multimedia" part of the "Multimedia Message" does not post. I had a picture with this. Maybe I'll post it later.

Thursday, June 22

So, I helped Terezita move today.

Her cousin's place is really nice. Her husband is a cop, working the gang unit now. He is really nice. Two cats live there, both of them very cute.

After we got her moved in, we went to "The Block", which is a mall nearby. It was very nice. I ate a Rubios and had some of the best fish tacos I have ever had there. I wanted to buy an incense holder thing, but instead got this thing that holds scented oil in a dish with a tea candle beneath it. This heats up the oil and releases the scent. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm just about to.

Seems to work pretty well. I'm not sure how much oil to put in, so I didn't put in too much. I can smell it. It is a very... light scent. Like a hint of a scent. The oil is actually kinda smoking now... weird.

So yeah. Then we went to Virgin and Borders... you know, the staples - music and books. That was nice. It was really great just spending time with Terezita again. She's been sick for so long.

Well, hope all is well with whoever is reading this. Have a nice night.

It's been a while since I've posted, I know.

After some gentle pushing by Kasey, I'm gonna try to start posting again.

My car is dying. It makes a horrible noise when I'm at a stop and the engine is on. It's really horrible. I'm gonna take it to Terezita's dad (who is a mechanic) and hopefully he'll be able to do something with it. To tell the truth, I really want a new car. I've been sorta looking around. I mean, if I had all the money in the world, I'd get a Maserati no questions asked. These are the most beautiful cars on the road. What road, I don't know. I've never actually seen one driving around. More realistically, I'd like to get a Toyota Yaris. They're small, cheap, fun and Toyota is a good brand. Right up my alley. If anyone wants to do something nice for me...

Well, I'm gonna go help Terezita move into her new place today. Have a good day, all.